Homer Kelley’s Golfing Machine (pb)




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LET OP! Dit boek is niet het boek van Homer Kelley zelf. Het is een (geautoriseerde) biografie en een beschrijving van de methode door Scott Gummer.

In 1939, an average Joe named Homer Kelley played golf for the first time and scored 116; a respectable score for a beginner, but frustrating for a science-minded perfectionist like Kelley. He did not play again for six months; then when he did, he carded a seventy-seven. Vexed, he grew increasingly obsessed and devoted over the next thirty years to solving the science behind the perfect golf swing, self-publishing his findings in 1969 in a book titled The Golfing Machine.

This revolutionary book explained golf, unlike every other tome that merely described it. Unfortunately, the majority of golfers dismissed the book because it was all but unreadable, too thick with physics and geometry and scientific vernacular.The Golfing Machine seemed doomed to obscurity until visionary teacher Ben Doyle and superstar-in-the-making Bobby Clampett brought Kelley’s teachings to prominence;only to witness Clampett implode on golf’s most public stage. Validation finally came seventy years after Homer Kelley’s lifework began, and twenty-five years after his death, when a teenage prodigy named Morgan Pressel became the youngest golfer, male or female, ever to win a major championship.

Als u het boek van Homer Kelley wilt kopen kunt u dat het beste op de tweedehands markt doen. Het wordt ook aangeboden op de site van The Golfing Machine, maar onze ervaring is dat het dan niet of moeilijk in Europa geleverd wordt.

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